We have provided resources and
supporting materials for you to
reference from your time
in St. George, Utah.
All content is for L3 MM Cohort eyes only - i.e. confidential and part of MTC's curriculum
90 Day Action Plan PDF Version

Standing In The Name of Love: VOICE
Deepen your practice of standing in love - lead with listening - observe where the power of your full presence softens the ground for yourself and others.

Reclamation Work: Patience, Compassion & Skill:
Four Step Protocol for Reclamation:
Work with this 4 Step protocol to reclaim any limiting narrative that is currently operating among the 6 Frontiers of Re-negotiation. Work with ONE area that you identified in the retreat and that feels most pressing for you right now.
Skill: 4 Core Competencies & Bodies of Work:
Work with this protocol as process for bringing your work into the world. 1) Allow it to inform your insights around where you are in any process. 2) Allow it to inform the way you collaborate with others. 3) Use this protocol to help shape your participation in the cohort.
Example: Devon Rodriquez meets Vic Blends

Unapologetic Devotion:
Continue to grow your capacity to consistently show up with your full presence.
Unapologetic Devotion Flipchart
Devotional Practice:
Vital Actions and Vital Practices that move the needle on your greatest desires.

Access our L3 MM September Retreat Photo Gallery below to download some of your favorite retreat photos. Please add any photos that you have taken to share with the rest of the group!
L3 MM September 2022 Photo GallerySEPTEMBER 2022 ANIMAL TOTEMS
Red Dragonfly:
Red Dragonfly carries the wisdom of transformation and adaptability in life. It's connected to the symbolism of change and light. When the dragonfly shows up in your life, it may remind you to bring a bit more lightness and joy into your life.
The snake animal meaning is powerfully connected to life force and primal energy. In many cultures, it is revered as a powerful totem representing the source of life. When the snake spirit animal appears in your life, it likely means that healing opportunities, change, important transitions, and increased energy are manifesting.
Roadrunner symbolism is reminding you that you must take quick action on your ideas. In other words, this spirit animal meaning insists that you have the knowledge, wisdom, and wits to see everything through to its finish.
Praying Mantis:
Praying Mantis symbolism appears when we’ve flooded our lives with so much business, activity, or chaos that we can no longer hear the still small voice within us. Thus the Praying Mantis meaning insists that we take a step back. In other words, like the Stick Bug, some simple meditation would be in order here because we need to quiet the external din that we have created. It is the only way that we can come back to our truth. This spirit animal will always come to us when we need peace, quiet and calm in our lives.
The rabbit totem is a symbol of luck in many cultures, and is also a symbol of abundance. People who feel connected to the rabbit spirit animal are clever and creative, but may be working to overcome fear and anxiety.
The Bat arriving in your life signifies an omen of change. He asks that you pay attention to signs around you. The transition may seem frightening at first, but you must let go of your old habits and patterns that no longer serve your higher calling. They will only hinder your growth.
Squirrel symbolism is often a message for us to have more fun. Most likely, we’ve been so busy taking life so seriously that we have forgotten that play is essential too. On another note, the Squirrel meaning can imply that we must look at practical matters such as retirement, insurance, or even simple repairs. After all, this spirit animal teaches that preparing for the future is a must.
The cricket symbolism is about good luck, wealth, and prosperity in general and is a usual positive sign. It is indicated that you should never harm this little insect, though, for your good luck will perish as well.